I decided to make the sandpaper letters for my son after reading "Teaching Montessori in the Home: Pre-School Years". It was also a great crafts project to keep me busy while we were trying to get the basement finished. I used the instructions and patterns at the end of "Teaching Montessori in the Home: Pre-School Years". Montessori Books I … [Read more...]
Cheap Cheap
I got hooked on craigslist.com, dollar and thrift stores. This happened because I saw on other mom blogs and homeschooling blogs, moms creating inspirational playrooms or classrooms , shopping from dollar and thrift stores. I got amazing deals for furniture and other stuff. I got these shelves for $10 each. … [Read more...]
Playing with colored water
My son loves this game / activity and can entertain himself literally for hours. All you need is food coloring. I got this 4 color, food coloring set at Target for $2. I gave him a dropper from one of the first aid kits we've got at home. I put water in few old baby food jars, then put a drop of color in each. I also gave him few empty ones. He … [Read more...]
Parenting solutions for parents with many kids
I don't like that the parenting books that are written for the first and the only child. Sleep, potty training, discipline, or play/game books... Everyone assumes parents have one kid. If they are the experts and have something to tell us about kids, they also have to figure out most of us have more than one. I got "Siblings without rivalry" … [Read more...]
How to find the right preschool – Part 2 – Trial and Decision
At all the schools, after my first screening visit they said,"you can come and check it out with your son again". They told me to bring him in for a trial session and observe. I called the preschool near us and asked for an appointment for such a trial. They told me to bring him along, but pointed out that when they see their parents, the children … [Read more...]
How to find the right preschool – Part 1 – Screening
This post is about my observations, thoughts and decision process while I was searching for a preschool for my son. I'll start with what I wanted and expected in a preschool for my son. Because I am a stay-at-home mom at this time, I am not looking for a daycare/preschool to send my son while I work. What matters to me is that he learns … [Read more...]
Preschool scene
Recently there has been crying and fussing when I'm dropping my son off at his preschool in the mornings. It's been almost 3 months since he started and I wasn't expecting this. I thought we could be on a routine by now; get in, get out. No scene, no issues. But my day is always full of surprises. It's not my son who's fussing, it's my daughter. … [Read more...]
Home-made, Mom-made Halloween Costumes
It is way past Halloween, but I wanted to share the costumes of our little ones. I made my son's Spongebob Squarepants costume. I used one of my daughters's diaper boxes. I cut the head and arm holes and took the bottom part out. Then I wrapped around with yellow poster paper. Then I used my sons Spongebob t-shirt to trace its face on a white paper … [Read more...]
DIY: Spongebob Squarepants costume for kids
I am writing this post in a state of sugar-overdose. Here are our this year's Halloween costumes. My son wasn't really interested in wearing a costume. This is the first year that he is aware of the link between Halloween and costume. We dressed him in this leopard costume when he was 5 months old. He had his CTA bus costume, which has half … [Read more...]
First Day of School
This is my son's first day at school. He started his preschool today. I have been getting him ready for a week or so, telling him, he would play with his friends and toys, and singing songs and playing outside. He mostly listened to me quietly but he commented, once in a while, "Mom's coming along, right?". I explained him, "Yes, I will. Then I am … [Read more...]
Lessons learned
I usually buy children's books based on my liking of the illustrations. Usually the subjects and the contents are safe. That includes "Walter the farting dog" even though the name does not leave a good first impression. Anyway, we have this really nice hardcover story book named I'll always love you by Peone Lewis and Penny Ives. The name is … [Read more...]
Practical solutions and ideas with a pair of scissors
Easy grab hole/ window for teabags. If you are a tea fan, like I am, you know how hard it is to get teabags out of the stacked boxes in the kitchen cabinets. The boxes clutter, fall down, just drive you crazy. I figured this trick actually from a Stash tea box. You just cut a half circle at the bottom. Then sort the tea boxes vertically, side by … [Read more...]
Making toy snake with plastic bottle caps
I made this "snake" using the 5 gallon water bottle caps, I have been collecting. Materials: Plenty of water bottle caps Yarn or rope Scissors Adhesive tape A screwdriver or knitting needle 1 plastic cup Directions: Make holes in the middle of bottler caps using the screwdriver or knitting needles. Cut the yarn to double … [Read more...]
How to make a robot with used cardboard boxes
My son recently started to act like a robot. We don't know where he is inspired from but we are not complaining. If we ask him to do something and he doesn't do it, when we ask the "Robot" he definitely does it. If we ask the "robot" to come to the table for dinner, he immediately comes to the table. Or if "mommy robot" asks, "baby robot" kindly … [Read more...]
A great quote to share
My daughter is still incubating and - thanks to my mom and husband - I am enjoying my time before the baby by reading more books. Here is a quote I wanted to note from the book I am reading now, Secrets of the Baby Whisperer for Toddlers, an addition to the Baby Whisperer books, which I highly recommend. “You can, and should, be in charge, but … [Read more...]
Books to help children prepare for a new sibling
Here are the list of books we used and loved on preparation of the arrival of a new sister: I am a Big Brother My son and I have enjoyed this book the most. This is ideal for children of my son’s age (2,5). You can also find big sister version of it. I am a Big Sister Hello Baby! This is a nice book as well. Lots of illustrations. This is … [Read more...]
Comparison of books on baby sleep and daily routine
This is the last article I am writing in regards to getting babies used to training babies to sleep on their own and harmoniously. As stated very well in some of the comments, I wanted to help not only the babies with sleeping problems but also the adults who have a problem being able to put their baby a sleep. I think the main reason why some … [Read more...]
Book Review: The happiest baby on the block
I read so many books on baby sleep and daily routine that I really appreciated Chicago Public Library had the VHS version of Happiest baby on the block. It was two hours of crash course on the 5 essential methods to comfort the baby and help him/her to fall asleep. The 5 “S” explained in the video are: • Swaddling • Side/stomach … [Read more...]
Cardboard Box Puppet Theater
I have been getting weekly messages from babycenter.com, since I was expecting my son. In the last message of 2006, "the New Year's Message" they were wishing all the moms to "be the best mom you can be.” What a nice new year's wish! That wish required 3 actions: Be patient Spend more time with your kid (s) Be a creative mom who addresses … [Read more...]
First words in pictures
This poster of first words in pictures is prepared by our nanny who takes care of my son. We talk in Spanish at home per my request. I get to practice and my son learns Spanish. I am sure you know about the books on first words. Books with large prints, vibrant colors, pictures accompanied by letters next to them. Ana, our beloved nanny, … [Read more...]
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