When you are past your due date provided by your ob/gyn at the beginning of your pregnancy, it's not a big red flag unless advised by your ob/gyn. Based on my experience, I know expectant mothers look for ways to help initiate the labor. I want to share some of the things you can do, if your due date has passed. Having experienced this once … [Read more...]
How lactation consultants help breastfeeding mothers
After the birth of your baby, while you are still in the hospital, one thing I would definitely suggest you, is to consult “Lactation Consultants”. If you have a natural birth, you will stay at the hospital for two days. If you have a C-section, you will stay for four days. During this time at least once, better twice, talk to these … [Read more...]
My experience with epidural
I am writing this post to share my experience with you. These are the things "I wish I had known before my delivery". But obviously, you don't know what you don't know. My labor started when my water broke. However, contractions never came. So hours later, they administered pitocin to start to contractions. After a while, pain started to … [Read more...]
Creating your birth plan
As an expecting mother, you should be aware (and accepting) that nothing might go as planned during pregnancy, delivery, as well as after baby’s birth. However, this does not mean that you should not be prepared in advance. A birth plan is something you prepare by talking to your doctor and spouse/partner. It is a list of your choices for the … [Read more...]