I feel like I'm always chasing someone or someone is chasing me. And this is with only 2 kids. Sometimes, I feel like my mind is left behind while I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Somehow, most of the time, I manage to pull off looking as if I have my act together with the help of few life-saving products. For me, … [Read more...]
Product Review: Divided bowl for ceral, soup or dips
My son likes his cereal crispy. It's really tricky not to make it soggy and mushy once you pour the milk. If he doesn't eat fast enough then the cereal will start getting mushy, he'll complain and even not eat it. I found this divided bowl on LTD Commodities website, which had lots of interesting items. You put the liquid food in one section and … [Read more...]
Product Review: Luckybums ski and bike trainer for children
I taught my children how to swim, ski, and ride a 2-wheel bike. Last year, I was teaching my younger one skiing. It's a little bit tricky to teach one and keep an eye on the other one who can ski by himself. Everything was easy and good when we were on the bunny hill together. Then my son wanted to upgrade from the bunny hill to bigger hills.For … [Read more...]
Painting Wooden Jewelry Armoire
This My Look Wooden Jewelry Armoire was one of the birthday presents that I've saved for later. My daughter took it out the morning after we came back from Cancun to paint it. She kept herself busy for quite sometime. It's a pretty decent jewelry box for kids' bead necklaces and bracelets and stuff. I have some concerns about my daughters … [Read more...]
Product Review: Apple Slicer
You might think I am lazy, when you take a look at the picture of this post. First, yes, I am a bit lazy. In truth, I had thought this product was a lazy-man's-work as well, when I had first seen it. I had thought, can't people use knives to slice an apple anymore? However, I have been using this slicer every single day, sometimes more than once … [Read more...]
Product Review: Portable Hide Away Bed Rail
Kids have been sleeping in their new bunk beds for a long time. My son is 6,5 and daughter is 4 years-old now. They occasionally wake up at night. Sometimes they come into our bed in the morning. In some cases, when they need to sleep in separate rooms, when one still wants to chat, we take one into our bedroom (until they fall asleep) and the … [Read more...]
Moving into new bunk beds
Last year during our trip to my parent's house, kids loved sleeping in the bunk beds that I and my brother used to sleep. Especially my son enjoyed the top bed. As my daughter got closer to outgrowing her crib, we started thinking about how to setup their rooms. Out house layout has 2 rooms on one floor and 2 rooms on the second floor. … [Read more...]
Product Review: Responsibility Chart by Melissa & Doug
I got this "Magnetic Responsibility Chart" from a friend who hasn't been using it for a while. We hung it in my son's room as a continuation of the actions we've taken along with "House Rules Poster". It has magnets for every "desired behavior" such as helping with house chores and communicating with each other etc. You put the desired behaviors or … [Read more...]
Product Review: Supplemental Nursing System
We might insist on doing things a certain way with the passion of wanting to be "super mothers" during the first days of motherhood. I am guilty of this crime as well. Despite the fact that I started breastfeeding and my colostrum came immediately after I gave birth, my son started losing weight rapidly in the next few days. My doctor and nurses … [Read more...]
Practical inventions for babies and children
These are the inventions, that made me say "Darn! I should have though of these!" Onesie extenders: This is my fave. Very simple, very practical and extremely useful. Kids grow in length and I bough these onesies, that were high quality cotton. After a while the drier would shrunk all of them. If I had these, I could have spared at least a $100 … [Read more...]
Product Review: Canvas Closet Organizer Shelves
I have been using these canvas organizer shelves since my son was born. They are very practical and handy if: You live in a small condo/house with limited storage space and need to store baby's clothing as organized and categorized as possible. You have a lot of items, such as socks and sweaters that you use every day, but do not want to … [Read more...]
Product Review: Nursing Covers
I am a big advocate of breastfeeding your baby whenever (s)he wants and wherever you are. To me, being able to breastfeed outside of home was so much easier than finding water at room temperature and mixing it with formula, heating the cold-stored breast milk or looking for a secluded place to breastfeed. Nursing blankets (or nursing covers) … [Read more...]
Product Review: Crib Tent
We bought this canopy when our baby started standing up and figured out that he could actually bounce on the crib mattress. Benefits: It prevents the baby from climbing out or jumping out of the crib. It prevents the baby from reaching out to the drawer on which we had to place the CD-player and the speakers and fall down. It helps keep … [Read more...]