Here are the list of books we used and loved on preparation of the arrival of a new sister:
I am a Big Brother My son and I have enjoyed this book the most. This is ideal for children of my son’s age (2,5). You can also find big sister version of it. I am a Big Sister
Hello Baby! This is a nice book as well. Lots of illustrations. This is also ideal for children of my son’s age.
The New Baby at of Your House This book has lots of photos. It’s an old print. Explanations are not like fiction stories but they are pretty simple. I adapted some of them to our situation. But the photos of a pregnant mother with a baby leaning his head against her belly, helped my son to relate the book and it’s meaning to our situation better.
The New Baby This book also has lots of photos. I like Fred Roger’s books on games for children and the way he explains things.
Mommy’s in the Hospital Having a Baby This book has also lots of photos. Books with photos instead of illustrations help my son make correlations between the real people in the photos and our situation.
What to Expect When Mommy’s Having a Baby I can say that this book is for a little older children, children over 4. There are more scientific explanations. There are illustrations and explanations of what the baby is doing in mommy’s belly and how a baby is made.
What to Expect When the New Baby Comes Home This book is also for little older children like the book above. The storytelling and explanations are more detailed.
[…] ready as well. We try to explain him as much as possible. Especially the books I listed in this post are very helpful. I got all of the them from the […]