Last year, I used to travel for business and had to be gone for a whole week, every other week. In order to ease the workload on my husband's shoulders, I would prepare everything I could and cook the weekly meals on Sunday. One of the biggest hassles that remained in the morning routine, was my daughter's school clothes selection. We moved the … [Read more...]
Kids’ Summer Vacation Away with Grandparents – Vol. I
Almost 2 weeks ago, kids packed their luggage for their annual summer vacation in Turkey. We went to the airport, checked them in, and handed them over to my brother and sister-in-law before the security check point. There went the kiddos, with their cousins to get on their 11 hour flight to Istanbul, without us. This year, I and my husband … [Read more...]
Book Review: Lean in
I've read “Lean in” right after I've made a company change. I've had to think hard where my career was going after 9 years in a workplace where I loved my work and the people I worked with. I had long discussion with my husband and family. The decision to make the change didn't come easy. This decision was not only impacting my life but my family’s … [Read more...]
10 steps to prepare and cook weekly meals in advance
For the last 6 weeks before I quit my previous job, I had to travel for business. Half of these trips were from Monday through Friday where my husband had to care of the household by himself. In two of these trips, schools were closed due to Polar Vortex. I wanted to at least take cooking/meal preparation out of his hectic schedule. I spent my … [Read more...]
New job, new office, new commute, new routine
Two weeks ago, I've started a new job. Not only it's a new job, but after 9 years, I've started to work out-of-home instead of my home office. Therefore, I am driving to and from work every day. The change itself was a bit unexpected, but gladly received. I was used to working out-of-home with occasional business travel. I enjoyed not … [Read more...]
My educational utopia
In yesterday's post I wrote on various educational philosophies and the certain aspects of which I like about these philosophies, was the summary of what my children learn at their school, the research I have done to learn what I can provide them better as well as things I came across due to selective attention. As I wrote yesterday, I think it … [Read more...]
Loving to be a SAHM
I love to be a stay-at-home-mom on days like these. Take a music class... then run to the museum to enjoy free museum days... [Museum of Science and Industry has free admission until Jan 31] Especially now that my daughter is 13 months old and she can walk. So it is not a stay-at-home!!! situation really, but I enjoy these things. I enjoy my … [Read more...]
When I go out everyday to leave my son to preschool, I pass by a gas station. Today regular was $2.29. I think 3-4 miles up North it might be around $2.09. It's always very low north of the city. I remember, the days we used to pay $4.50 weren't that far past. It's nice to see the drop in gas prices, but I also see the big "going out of … [Read more...]
How to balance work and parenting when working from home
I’m behind on my posting schedule because I don't have enough time to take photos for some of my posts. In the meantime, I wanted to write a post on a slightly different topic which doesn't require photos. There are many parents who work full time in an office but would like to spend more time with their children. On the other hand, there are some … [Read more...]
How to find, interview and hire a nanny
Step 1: Where to find the candidates: From local parents’ group forums. Sometimes people will suggest babysitters they have previously worked with. e.g. in Chicago Craigslist: I found our nanny on Craigslist. You still end up going through the same interview process, checking the references etc. Nanny/Babysitter … [Read more...]
5 minutes for mom
I have been working out for weeks. I increased my running time. I was working out with DVDs when I had to stay at home. Now, I am sucked back into the black hole called "I cannot find time to workout" and I am waiting for someone to pick me up and show me the light at the end of the tunnel. Neither my son's needs end, nor the house chores. I do not … [Read more...]