I’ve read and liked Micheal Pollan’s “Omnivore’s Dilemma“. I’ve been telling my children some examples from he book already. Then my sister-in-law mentioned “Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual” and I immediately checked it out from the library. We are this reading together with the kids. The premise of the book is summarized in 3 sentences, as stated in the book:
“Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”
Once you get past the intro section, it’s more illustration and, less text and theory. It’s kind of a practical guide. I like to read it with the kids, so it’s going slow bit. For adults, it should take less than 3 hours to finish the whole book. The kids like it as well. It’s better that they read/hear, what I always tell them about healthy nutrition, from an illustrated book. I am not making those things up, while processed and fast food companies attract their minds with fancy ads and toys.
The Cartoon History of the Universe I is a book, that I have seen and put in my wish list a while ago. It’s a thick book. The Cartoon History of the Universe has 3 volumes. I got the first two, but my son is still reading the first one. He was really into the “beginning of the universe and solar system etc.” This volume is from the Big Bang to Alexander the Great. it is kind of simple and quite humorous. I can debate whether it’s a little bit advance for my son, just because he’s not as into it as much I would think he would be.
These Rainbow Magic: Fairy Princess series are my daughter’s most recent favorite characters after Pinkalicious. They are actually chapter book series with zillion Fairy characters. We got these “Early Reader” series from Scholastic Book Club. Unfortunately, they do not have many of these. My daughter reads them over and over and over. I like them because they are a little bit advanced than “I can read” books Level 1 and 2 but not as advanced and long like Chapter books.
These are mama’s books. I’ve just finished Mrs. Dalloway, as a part of our Book Club assignment, even though I couldn’t make the last few meetings. I haven’t been reading a slow paced book like Mrs. Dalloway for a long time. It was a change for me. But I liked it, her detailed descriptions and explanations of the feelings and thoughts of the characters.
I am currently reading P.E.T. Parent Effectiveness Training that has been sitting on my library for a long time. Along with this I am planning to re-read some books that I have read, related to the subject on “parent-child” communication. I want to refresh my memory and synthesize the input from all those books. Hopefully, I can get through those before the end of century and write a post about it.
Son: Almost 8 y.o
Daughter: 5,5 y.o
[…] with Rainbow Magic: Fairy Princess series,I’ve written about in my last week’s “What we’re reading” post, my daughter likes the Pinkalicious Pink-a-rama […]