When I mention that I follow a gluten-free diet, most of the people cannot figure out what I eat for breakfast. We are conditioned to think a breakfast is not a proper breakfast without wheat such as cereal, bagels, toasts, pancakes, waffles, pastries, oatmeal etc. If you open up yourself to possibilities, with these gluten free breakfast ideas, you’ll realize you can have so many different delicious gluten-free stuff at breakfast that your cereal box will be left alone lonely in your kitchen.
Despite the fact that I eat gluten-free, my breakfast dishes are huge. I try to full up my tummy with good stuff to keep me full and energized until lunchtime. I wrote this post not as a list of recipes but a framework with options for you to create numerous gluten-free breakfast dishes.
1. Eggs + veggies
Fix your eggs anyway you like : Scrambled, sunny side up, over-easy, omelet. Add sauteed or steamed veggies on the side. Squeeze lemon juice, add with salt and pepper. I like sliced cucumber at breakfast. It’s crispy and fresh.
2. Meat + Greens
Add your protein in the form of meat instead of eggs: Sliced hot dogs, deli meat, smoked salmon or even the fajita steak left over from the previous night. Add a mix of fresh greens like arugula, parsley, dill etc on the side. Sliced avocado or guacamole pair up perfectly with meat in the morning.
3. Gluten-free pancakes
If you miss your warm, soft pancakes there are many gluten-free pancake options you can pick from. The easiest one is Gluten-free Paleo Pancakes. It’s inherently sweet, so you don’t need a lot of syrup.
4. Yogurt or Kefir + Superfood Seeds
Add hemp, chia, flax seed or sesame seeds to your homemade yogurt or Kefir. You can soak them overnight. You can add powdered or chopped nuts and sliced fruit on top.
5. Bowl of Fruits + Nutbutter:
If you cannot think of anything else a bowl of low-glycemic fruits are your best bet. Even if you only have fruits on the sweeter side of the scale, don’t worry. You will have enough time to use up all that fructose during the day. Feel free to sprinkle hemp or flax seed on your fruits to add superfood power and protein. I also like to dip my pears and apples in sunbutter or almond butter.
6. Chia Pudding:
This is one of my recent discoveries. Chia pudding soaked in coconut milk overnight. You can add cinnamon or cocoa to spice up the flavor. {Here are few interesting chia pudding recipes} It is so filling. It soothes the morning sweet tooth.
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