Since Fluffy and Yellow and later Chick Vader joined our family , we read a lot about Chicks and Chickens. I would like to share the books we read on Chicks and Chickens and few fun picture books with Chickens. We got all of these books from the library.
Chickens by Peter Brady is a simple, fact-based book about chickens with great photos.
The Life Cycle of a Chicken by Ruth Thompson is another photo book about chicken from egg, to chick to chick’nhood.
From Chick to Chicken by Jillian Power is a photo book with great explanations of life of chickens as well as laying eggs, free rangings etc.
Who you callin’ chicken? is a fun photo book of different hen and rooster breeds. It doesn’t talk about details of life of chickens, incubating, hatching, etc but it talks about different type of feathers, combs, eggs and breeds of chicken with photos of all the various, including weird breeds out there.
Plot chickens is a great picture book for young kids about a chicken who wants to be a writer.
Interrupting chicken is a bedtime story of a young chicken and his father who is trying to tell him a bedtime story. As the title says, the young chicken is interrupting.
Please share the books that you love/like about chickens or with chickens.
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