Our vegetable garden was like a jungle for quite a while. Especially after our one month away from home, everything grew out branches and leaves without much of a fruit (i.e. veggies). We wanted to get the dried plants out of the way.
I pulled out all bean, corn, broccoli etc. There is still some kale.
My husband pulled out the tomatoes and eggplants. Mammoth sunflower trunks – they are too thick to be called stems – were impossible to be pulled out, so their roots are still there. There are 2 tomato plants with tomatoes on them. We left them there.
Peppers are still standing and green.
Mints are crazy as usual.
A lot of parsley out there again. I sent a message to my friends who live close by, to come and get some of the mint and parsley.
I took out 1/3 of a container of new compost out of my compost bin. I took out 5 inches from the top of the cleaned out areas with a shovel. Put the compost and covered it back. Compost can mix with the soil over the winter. I put in some of the old compost material that hasn’t degraded yet, along with the dried plants and leaves we picked up from the clean up in the compost.
I seeded lettuce, romaine, spinach, and broccoli for the fall. I am contemplating about making my own hoop house to protect these greens over the winter. It would be a cool DIY project to do with my son. Added that one to the end of my long to-do list.
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