I have been setting new years resolutions or goals for as long as I can remember. I have journals filled with lists of 10 resolutions from each year. Some items got completed or accomplished and crossed over, some goals came back year after year. I've tried many different types of journals and agendas to keep track of my steps towards completing or … [Read more...]
Daily themes for after school family fun
As full-time working parents of children attending public school, after school time is particularly invaluable for us. Their school ends early afternoon. They attend extracurricular programs after school 4 days of the work week. I or my husband can pick them up usually around 5-6 pm. That leaves us around 2,5-3,5 hours to have some type of family … [Read more...]
Ideas for fun and memorable family traditions
My son is a creature of habit or traditions I might say. He has liked his routines since birth. He likes certainty and having his expectations met on an ordinary day. I, on the other hand, growing up with few family traditions, didn't think much of any of this before noticing the value my son puts on these simple traditions we create as a family. … [Read more...]
Weekly dress schedule – Kid’s School Clothes Lookbook
Last year, I used to travel for business and had to be gone for a whole week, every other week. In order to ease the workload on my husband's shoulders, I would prepare everything I could and cook the weekly meals on Sunday. One of the biggest hassles that remained in the morning routine, was my daughter's school clothes selection. We moved the … [Read more...]
Morning and bedtime madness overhaul
If you dread waking up on a school day to face the morning madness and nagging to get to the school on time, this solution will ease your pain if not completely restore your sanity. We started the school year, like any family in the country, lacking sleep and time to get ready for the school. As days passed by, the amount of the phrases used … [Read more...]
Simple tip to make your morning routine to school a breeze
As a parent, you learn early on that sleep cycle doesn't work as logical with babies and kids, as it does in adults. The biggest advice for early risers is to put them in bed earlier. Also the less day-sleep they get, the less they sleep at night. It goes pretty much the same for the morning routine. I have been waking my son up as late as … [Read more...]
Daily routine chart in pictures for young children
Thousands of parents around the world are asking the same two questions every single day: What should I cook today? How can I keep my child(ren) busy and entertained today? It's not any different for me. I am not a spontaneously entertaining mom at home. My son is used to having us entertain him, so he is not very skilled at keeping … [Read more...]
Prepare ahead
After my regular visit to my doctor, at the checkout I saw this really neat list on the cubicle wall. It was called "101 ways to cope with stress". I think it wasn't only for stress. It was more of a "Oprah got together with Martha Stewart and made a to do list" kind of list. You can find the whole list here. And don't just sneak peek and … [Read more...]