When you thaw or warm your frozen and refrigerated milk, you might find t he milk smelling sour. If you followed the rules and guidelines to safely store breast milk, then this information might help you to feel a little bit at ease. I faced this problem during the breastfeeding of both of my babies. Apparently, this common issue is cause by an … [Read more...]
Breastfeeding – Other questions
I decided to answer a couple of the common questions about breastfeeding. These questions are great for my readers who don’t read the comments: 1- If your baby is just playing at the breast instead of nursing: This usually happens when your baby is about 3 months old and when (s)he can see better and chooses to observe his or her … [Read more...]
Breastfeeding 107 – Storing Breast Milk
Even if you do not go to work after your baby is born and become a stay-at-home-mom, you might find pumping and storing your milk helpful. You have to use either a hand pump or an electric pump to express your milk and store it in the refrigerator. Here are the advantages of storing breast milk: If you have to go out, so that you can have milk … [Read more...]
Breastfeeding 106 – Troubleshooting for nursing problems
Probably the most common breastfeeding problem would be the sore nipples, nipple pains and cracked or blistered nipples. It would be helpful to read my post on "Tips for correct breastfeeding techniques" in order to prevent this from happening. As a precaution and a remedy you should start using a lanolin cream during the last weeks of your … [Read more...]
Breastfeeding 105 – Increasing mother’s milk supply
During the nursing period, there is a time when every mother wants to increase her milk supply. As I have written before the main ingredient of milk is water in our bodies. You need double the water intake during nursing period. Without cutting down on water intake, you can also supplement with other food and drinks that will help produce or … [Read more...]
Breastfeeding 104 – Comfortable and healthy nursing positions
You have the correct and complete latch on, created the Voltron and you are nursing really well. Great! But if you are sitting incorrectly, for 15 minutes to half an hour, 6 times a day, then it is inevitable to have neck and back pains. That’s why it is very important to nurse your baby in a correct posture and hold your baby correctly. One … [Read more...]
Breastfeeding 103 – Tips for correct breastfeeding techniques
It is a tough art to be able nurse the first days after giving birth. The picture that is drawn in our minds by others that, you give your baby your breast they start sucking easily and right away. Unfortunately, the reality is far from that. I don’t want to scare my readers so I can definitely say just after a few months, you will become an … [Read more...]
Breastfeeding 102 – First Experience after Birth
Every pregnant woman looks forward to nursing their babies with with a curious wonder. This is the bond that connects the baby to the mother after carrying him/her inside hew womb for 9 months. I cannot exactly describe the feeling that comes over during nursing. You kind of feel elated or in seventh heaven, a total bliss of motherhood (once you … [Read more...]
Breastfeeding 101 – Amazing Mother’s Milk
I am going to write a series on breastfeeding, just like the one I wrote on sleeping by composing the information I read in the books, recommendations I received from other mothers and my own personal experiences. First, I want to write about the physiological features of mother’s milk as well as its production. I don’t want to act as if we are … [Read more...]
How lactation consultants help breastfeeding mothers
After the birth of your baby, while you are still in the hospital, one thing I would definitely suggest you, is to consult “Lactation Consultants”. If you have a natural birth, you will stay at the hospital for two days. If you have a C-section, you will stay for four days. During this time at least once, better twice, talk to these … [Read more...]