My daughter made this glittery Eiffel Tower for her class project, during a week they learned about France. She needed to build an Eiffel Tower and with what and how to do it was up to her. We came up with this idea. I helped her with the construction.
Materials needed:
- Eiffel Tower print out from Internet
- Cardboard (from old parcel boxes)
- Scissors
- X-acto knife
- Glue
- Glitter
- Old newspaper (to save the glitter)
Craft Materials
Put the Eiffel print-out on the cardboard and trace on two cardboards.
Cut out the Eiffel Towers. Cut one piece vertically from the bottom and cut the top off of the second piece. You’ll also need to cut a 1″ vertical slit on top of the piece without the tip. That’s how you’ll put the two pieces together and make it stand.
Spread glue, preferably with brush and sprinkle the glitter. My daughter picked the colors. Looking back, I could have told her to pick red in addition to silver and blue to make the colors of French flag.
Let the glitter dry before going onto the next step.
As final step, insert the piece without the top, into the piece with the top, perpendicularly. You can glue them together, or better use a bent paper clip to fixate the sides together. Beware, that some glitter will fall off.
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