Winter in Chicago can be harsh. It’s long and sometimes colder than Alaska. Particularly, windchill is dreadful. Nothing protects you against it and it drains the energy in you. Snow, however, is on the good side of winter in my book. When it snows the temperatures warm a bit. Everywhere is covered in a peaceful white, at least for a while. Kids are easily convinced to turn off the screens and go out to play. Besides number of snow activities and ideas outdoors, snow is a blank canvas. Why not color it?
Just add liquid water colors or food coloring in water and make it your paint.
Which kids doesn’t love when their parents give them tubs of color and tell them they can make all the colorful mess they want on the snow.
In addition, you get additional returns on the investments you made in summer toys. On another day, they painted a dress on snowman. (not photographed here). There are many fun images online, where people decorated their yards by painting the snow.
I cautioned them not to squirt any colors on each other beforehand.
We have used many different tools as our brushes.
Whenever we felt like we’ve stayed long enough outside, we took a tray-ful of snow with us indoors and painted them with
- medicine droppers and
- measurement syringes
I put the art table in the bathroom just in case. Packed snow on the tray kept solid for quite a bit. Use cold water to mix the water color or food coloring not to melt the snow right away.
Besides the fun, kids can observe mixing colors using main colors on snow. I gave them 3 main colors and green. As they colored snow with different colors on each other they noticed the new colors.
Any activity with water and colors keep my kids entertained for a long time and painting and color mixing on snow was a big hit as well. What are your favorite snow day activities?
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