We used to own a little toddlers/preschoolers trampoline when my son was about 2.5 years-old. It was relatively safe with less bouncy center and two padded handles on each side. After my daughter started to get up and cruise, she played with it a lot as well. Then they outgrew that trampoline. However, living in Chicago we still needed an indoor equipment that would satisfy their need to jump during long winter season. Especially, my sons’. I couldn’t dare to buy a bigger trampoline, because he jumps a lot and quite high even without any equipment.
So we started with one when the mattress we got from IKEA for my son’s big brother bed turned out to be quite uncomfortable (we figured it out, when we were sleeping in his bed with him!!!) and now we have two mattresses that are re-purposed as a trampoline or a jumping corner in our basement. They jump. They tumble. They do somersaults, backflips, headstands and handstands. They even do long jump or obstacle run. Once they deplete their accumulated energy, they lie down to read.
Whenever they start bouncing off the walls with excess energy, I tell them to go and jump. It is the best way to get them exhausted and hungry. Finally, it’s way safer than a trampoline.
You are a practical mama! This is such an awesome solution.